Sandesh bengali sweet recipe

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Sandesh is a dessert, originating from the Bengal region created with milk and suga Some recipes of Sandesh call for the use of chena  or paneer (which is made by curdling the milk and separating the whey from it) instead of milk itself.Some people in the region of dak it pranahara (literally, heart ‘stealer’) which is a softer kind of sandesh, made with mawa and the essence of curd.

Sandesh recipe – sondesh is a delicious Bengali sweet, popular all over India and abroad. It is often made for festive and special occasions.

Sandesh can be made with the use chena or cottage cheese. The simplest kind of sandesh in Bengal is the makha sandesh (makha = kneaded). It is prepared by tossing the chhena lightly with sugar over low heat. The sandesh is essentially hot, sweetened chhana. When shaped into balls, it is called kanchagola (kancha = raw; golla = ball). For more complex and elaborately prepared sandesh, the chhana is dried and pressed, flavored with essence of fruits, and sometimes even colored, and cooked to many different levels of consistencies. Sometimes it is filled with syrup, blended with coconut or kheer, and molded into a variety of shapes such as conch shells, elephants, and fish. Another variant is nolen gurer sandesh, which is made with gur or jaggery . It is known for its brown or caramel colour that comes from nolen gur.

Sandesh bengali sweet recipe


  • 1litre whole milk
  • 2tbsp lemon juice
  • 6 tbsp powdered sugar or as per taste
  • generous pinch of cardamom powder OR ANY EMULSION
  • line a strainer with a cheesecloth / muslin cloth

I have used pineapple emulsion


Keep milk to boil , when it comes to a boil, remove from heat.

Gradually add the lemon juice and keep stirring . The milk will curdle and the whey will start separating.

Pour the curdled milk over the lined strainer.

Wash the chena with cold .

After you have washed the chena properly, bring all the ends of the cheesecloth together and squeeze as much water as you can.

Hang for 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes, remove the chena and transfer it to a plate. Crumble it with your hands and then start kneading by applying pressure .

You have to knead for 5 minutes or until the chena becomes smooth and soft.

Now add powdered sugar to the chena and mix using a spoon. It will become all soft so use a spoon rather than using your hands.

Transfer the chena + sugar mixture to a non stick pan.

Keep stirring continuously as you cook the chena on low flame.

Cook for  4 to 5 minutes. It will thicken up and leave the sides of the pan.

If you cook for more than 5 minutes, the chena will become crumbly and grainy .

Transfer to a plate and let it cool down for 15 minutes. Then add cardamom powder or any essence + food colour and mix well. * I have used few drops of pineapple emulsion .

Make small balls from the mixture and give it any shape using hands or mould .

Refrigerate for 3 to 4 hours before serving and enjoy!

Sandesh bengali sweet recipe


  1. Store in fridge .
  2. Instead of sugar we can use condensed milk .
  3. Emulsion means a mixture of any fruit essence + color
  4. If milk does not curdle, you may add more lemon juice / vinegar.
  5. Washing the chena is important to get rid of the lemony taste.



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