Wood Apple fruit is a round hard shell fruit and core of fruit has tangy reddish/ brown pulp .Wood Apple is also known as  , bael fal / kodbel Kavath/kabeet, kaitha, bel kaitha.

The hard, rough exterior is covered in sticky brown pulp and small white seeds, and once cracked open, exposes a soft, dark brown flesh that looks like banana pudding

NUTRITION – It has many medicinal properties and has been used for ages in Ayurveda. – Its good for digestive system. Aids in reliving constipation, acidity, helps in digestions. Also helps in reliving diarrhea. Rich in fiber and acts as laxative. – Very rich source of vitamin C. This helps in preventing scurvy and build immunity. Its anti inflammatory.

It is a healthy fruit which is gut friendly , good for brain, helps in purifying blood , controlling blood sugar levels, immunity booster ,cures indigestion & constipation also an excellent fruit to boost milk production in new born mothers.

Consumption of Wood apple also helps in boosting liver health and helps those who are suffering from kidney disorders .

We can make wood apple chutney , jam) or sherbet.

Wood apple fruit pulp is a tangy fruit ,   jaggery and chilly powder in pulp is added to balance the taste .


  • 1 medium size ripe wood apple
  • ¼  tsp jeera powder
  • ¼  Cup crushed or powder jaggery
  • 1 or 1 ½  tsp red chilly powder
  • Salt as per taste


Break the wood apple with a hard equipment through the centre.

Now press in the centre and open it .

Remove the fruit pulp in a plate and mash it with a fork .The pulp has to be reddish brown in colour .We need ¼ cup of pulp roughly .

Take the pulp + jaggery + chilli pwdr + jeera pwdr + salt and grind it .Dont add water .

Heat a pan and add the mixture to it .

Stir and cook the mixture on low flame for 6 to 8 mins .

Once done , allow to cool and transfer to a jar / bottle.

Chutney is ready to be served with any fried snacks / parathas etc .


  1. We need jaggery and the pulp in eaual quantity .
  2. Do not add water while grinding, it will reduce the shelf life of the chuteny. 2. You can store it in air tight container for 15 – 20 days.
  3. Some do add coriander pwdr .

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