Mixed dry fruits chikki /brittles


By Shweta Galinde 

Mixed dry fruits chikki / Brittles


  • Dry fruits – 1 cup [ badam / cashew / pista ]
  • Sugar – 3/4 cup
  • Ghee – 1 tsp
  • Rose essence – few drops

*** instead of rose essence ,we can use cardamom pwdr .


  1. Slice the dry fruits from the middle into 2 .You can slice or chop them or pwdr them or shred them .
  2. Dry roast it for a minute on low flame .{ colour should not change }
  3. Grease a plate .
  4. Grease a rolling pin /belan .


Heat a thick bottom pan and add  1 tsp ghee + sugar and mix well.

Stir and cook on low flame till the sugar melts and become light brownish in colour .

*** Don’t over cook else the syrup will burn and harden .

Off the flame and add the nuts and mix well.

Spread this mixture on a greased plate and flatten it with spatula.

Now roll it with a rolling pin .

Thickness depends on your taste – thin ones become crispy .

Immediately slice it with a sharp knife in desired shapes .

Allow it to cool completely .

Store in air tight container.


  1. Instead of sugar ,we can use jaggery .
  2. Y not add few strands of saffron.
  3. Some also add a pinch of baking soda .
  4. You can add other dry fruits also- walnut / khismis / dates etc.
  5. Y not add white sesame seeds /khus khus .
  6. You can roast the dry fruits in microwave.

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